When visiting a property, it's important to take some precautions to ensure an accurate and informed evaluation. Here are some guidelines to follow:

(You may also consult a trusted real estate agent to assist you with technical matters.)

1. Clearly Define Your Objectives and Desires: It's important to determine a list of your needs and desires before visiting any property. Make a list of your essential needs, the features you would like to have, and the negatives you want to avoid. If you have a partner or someone else involved in the purchase, make sure to include them. This will not only help you save time when you start searching, but it will also provide important information to your real estate agent, if you have one, to guide you.

2. Pay Attention to Details: Check the condition of the floors and walls; Inspect for humidity issues in walls, especially in areas of the property that receive less sunlight; Be attentive to structural damage and holes; Determine how much natural light the property receives and its position in relation to sunrise and sunset; Consider noise levels (external noise and neighbors); Assess total available storage space; Check the condition of electrical outlets; Lifespan of plumbing; Roof and gutter condition; Pay attention to signs of water damage to foundations.

3. Proximity to Services: When considering the purchase of a property, it's essential to consider the proximity of services that enhance your quality of life. Be sure to check the availability of essential amenities like supermarkets, pharmacies, health centers, and restaurants in the surrounding area. Additionally, verify if there's a good public transportation network nearby, which will facilitate your daily commutes. Ensuring the convenience and accessibility of these services is crucial to guarantee a comfortable and practical lifestyle when choosing your new home.

4. Distance from Support Network: It's important to consider the distance from your support network, such as close family and friends. The proximity of these individuals can be valuable in situations where you need assistance or support, both in the present and the future. For example, if you're thinking about having children, living close to your support network can be especially helpful during the early stages of parenthood. Even if it's not immediate proximity, make sure it's easily accessible so you can rely on your support network when needed.

5. Think About the Future: Evaluate the space according to your future needs, such as family expansion, the need for a home office space, extra storage spaces, among many other considerations. Similarly, if you're in a different stage of life, consider the need for rooms and bathrooms designed for good accessibility in old age.

6. Visit the Property and Surrounding Areas at Different Times of the Day: Visit during lunchtime, after dinner, take a look over the weekend. It's important to visit at different times or on different days to get a realistic idea of the property and its surroundings before committing to a purchase. Through these visits, you can infer whether the place is quiet at night, if there's heavy traffic, if there are unpleasant noises from nearby factories or airports, etc.

7. Spend Only Necessary Time on a Property Visit: Striking a balance between thoroughness and not revealing your interest too early is important. If you're visiting the property with the seller's real estate agent, it's best to keep the visit brief to avoid revealing too much interest prematurely. However, if you're accompanied by your own agent, feel free to take the necessary time to thoroughly explore the property. About 20 to 40 minutes is sufficient to gain a good perception.

8. Technical or Administrative Aspects to Consider: Request information about expenses associated with the residence, such as heating costs, property taxes, estimated insurance rates, and condominium fees, then calculate these values in relation to your mortgage payments to determine if the final cost is within your comfort limit; Ask for a list of similar properties sold in the area or in similar neighborhoods to the one you're interested in, to have comparative data; Investigate the history of property activity, including how long it's been on the market for sale, for example. Regarding the price, on the other hand, you should inquire whether the price has been fixed for a long time. If the answer is affirmative, this could mean a more challenging negotiation if you want to buy below the asking price, but it also enhances your chances of success.

As in almost any other situation in life, information is power, and the more information you gather, the greater your decision-making and negotiation power will be.

UrbaMarkt wishes you the best of luck in all your property visits!